
This devlog actually begins after the start of the project. Each development path mentioned has its own unique spark. What now piques my interest and motivates me to document my progress is the aspiration to synthesize all these strands into a cohesive whole. I refer to these strands as vectors, and the integrated outcome they create as a metavector. This nomenclature is chosen because, although each vector maintains its planned course, their intertwining will align the direction of all projects in a synchronous yet non-parallel manner. Thus, the working title is aptly named Nexus, for its simplicity and directness.

Here are the summaries of the projects up to this date:
Necropolis – DxColonizer – Becoming Metroid – Hypomatrix/Hypermatrix – Tabarnak

Necropolis, Concept Art

Necropolis tells the classic hero’s journey of Princess Victoria Institunia, evolving from an ordinary citizen to an Art World Champion. She narrowly escapes a cursed mirror through her inner metaphysical magic. To evade a coup by the throne’s usurper, she goes overseas to study chaos magic at a sorcerer’s school. As a newly anointed archmage, she begins her journey home, teams up with Princess Politica, and they embark on the DxColonizer, a repurposed French battlecruiser, obtained by vowing to defend justice with their new powers. Returning to the cursed town, they embark on a quest from hell’s depths to the tower’s peak to defeat the usurper.

DxColonizer is not just a ship but a conceptual submatrix in itself. It serves as a paradoxical commentary on contemporary revisionist decolonialism ideologies, their implementation by the state, and my personal and professional phenomenological interpretation as an artistic agent within the public cultural system. The battleship, thus, is both a narrative asset in the Institunia story and a design element that transforms into a walkable museum, reflecting contemporary changes, paradoxes, and ethological shifts driven by state governance, cultural programs, and geopolitical strategies. This 3D space is explorable like in the Myst game series and controllable akin to Skies of Arcadia or similar naval exploration games.

”Large portions of my suit had to be surgically removed, dramatically altering my physical appearance.”’ – Metroid Fusion

Becoming Metroid is a video essay that delves into the impact of a storyline’s identity and characteristics on the player’s identity over time and within an agential framework. It uses phenomenology to dissect and reassemble the aesthetic and structural components of Samus Aran, integrating them into the player’s persona. Themes such as gender, bullying, power suits, and galactic bounty hunting are reinterpreted within the artist’s journey to confront adversity both internally and within contemporary society. This essay intersects with the exploration of the DxColonizer and the lore of Necropolis, allowing me as the artist to explore and extract hermeneutical meanings from the culture I consume and value.

Hypomatrix February 2024

Hypomatrix is a dynamic Miro board I update daily, serving as both an architectural layout for the painting process and a general working matrix. Deconstructing conceptual elements and flows, it allows for reintegration into other developing projects, making the matrix activity vibrant and interactive with other matrices. Thus, all new projects are addressed within the Hypomatrix, growing from a central core. Link to Miro Board

Tabarnak Concept Art

Tabarnak aims to construct a tabernacle, drawing its name from a notorious Quebecois swear word. The project seeks to design and build an anachronistic, contemporary structure. As a prime museum artefact, the tabernacle serves both as a promotional project for artefact scanning and as a matrixial collaboration with artists. Yes, it’s just like a Gundam.

In designing this project, I adopt a strict and unilateral historical perspective, where the philosophy becomes denser as we approach the core dynamic. By advancing each vector, I aim towards a cultural rather than spatial centre. This concept will require further clarification in due time. Through this artistic endeavour, the field of art is expanded, necessitating a broader understanding of art to encompass the phenomena it embodies.

I’m new to this development discipline but expect fun and rigorous work from it.
Thank you for your attention,
